Unit 12: Cell Cycle
I can...explain how cells reproduce and that traits are passed from one generation to the next through chromosomes.
I can...explain the Modern Cell Theory and use it to show how scientific theories develop over time.[6.LS.2]

1. Guided Notes
Watch the video and complete the notes as you watch. Get the worksheet & keep these in your binder under the "Notes" tab.
2. Splitting up is complicated
Now that you have some understanding, watch this video on NewsELA. There are 4 quiz questions that pop up during the video so make sure you're paying attention!
3. Cell Cycle Reading
Read the article and use it to answer the questions. This is great prep for the unit test!
4. Onion Cell Mitosis
Look at the image below. See if you can find all stages of mitosis in the onion cells!

5. Voc-app-ulary
Use your notes ot make an iPhone with all the best Mitosis apps! This is great review and should be used to help you prep for the unit test!
6. Cell Division: Mitosis in Onion Root Tip
Remember that thing you "should do" a few steps ago. Here it is again! READ and FOLLOW all directions. Yes, you do have to complete the graph! (HINT: think about which stages a cell spends most of its time in.)

7. Mitosis Science Circuits
This should be the LAST thing you do in this unit. You will need your notes and voc-app-ulary phone to complete all stations. Read directions!!
8. Study guide
Prep for the test!
Unit Labs
1. Mitosis Science Circuits

Stations you need to do in classroom:
- Maker
- Performance
- Explore

Done with all unit work?
What if your cell was a character in a comic strip? Draw what would happen to a particular cell through the course of one cell cycle in a comic strip. You must have a plot line that includes the REASON your cell decided to divide, any relevant events that occur on the way to cell division, and how the cell division ultimately HELPED your cell or organism.