Unit 13: Body Systems
I can...show that multicellular living things are organized in levels by cells, tissues, organs
and organ systems. -
I can...make comparisons between the organ systems of plants and animals. [6.LS.3]

1. Guided Notes
Watch the video and complete the notes as you watch. Get the worksheet & keep these in your binder under the "Notes" tab.
2. Body Systems WebQuest
Instead of taking notes on each system, complete this webquest and do your research!
3. Body Systems Organizer
Use your notes! Complete this graphic organizer and consider how each body system work together!
4. Circulatory System Gizmo
Use your notes and follow the directions to complete the Circulatory System Gizmo.
5. Animal Body Plans Notes
Find out how humans and plants are similar! Watch this video and complete the guided notes!
6. Comparing Climates Gizmo
Use your notes and follow the directions to complete the Circulatory System Gizmo.

7. Prep for the test!
Study guide here!
Done with all unit work?

Do some research on peppered moths! They are pretty fascinating. Then, try to find the peppered moths!